
Carretera Federal Chetumal-Puerto Juarez, Km. 282, Int. B, Rancho Xcaret Visit website

Standards Achieved

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Water Safety (AquaCheck)
AquaCheck by Intertek Cristal is designed to reduce the risk of Legionnaires Disease and other water related issues

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Hurricane Preparedness (CrisisCheck)
CrisisCheck by Intertek Cristal addresses the specific dangers associated with hurricanes

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Fire Safety (FireCheck)
FireCheck by Intertek Cristal is focused on the prevention of fire within a hotel

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Food Safety (FoodCheck)
FoodCheck by Intertek Cristal is designed to assist hotels and hospitality businesses in producing and serving safe and hygienic food for guests

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Pool Safety (PoolCheck)
PoolCheck by Intertek Cristal is designed to ensure that swimming pools and associated facilities are safe to use

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General Safety (SafetyCheck)
SafetyCheck by Intertek Cristal is designed to ensure that accidents and safety issues that are preventable within a hotel are effectively managed and eliminated where possible

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Security (SecurityCheck)
SecurityCheck by Intertek Cristal is designed to ensure that the hotel has systems in place to prevent and effectively react to security incidents ranging from the extremely unlikely terrorist attack, to the far more common instance of petty theft

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Xenses es un sorprendente parque en Playa del Carmen de medio día fuera de lo ordinario, en donde la imaginación no tiene límites. Con dos circuitos de actividades y escenarios fantásticos, vas a conocer la forma más divertida de utilizar tus sentidos y disfrutar de un turismo en Playa del Carmen diferente. Una excelente opción para chicos y grandes expandan sus horizontes de una manera muy original.


Wi-Fi Access
Indoor Swimming Pool

Location & Contact Details

Carretera Federal Chetumal-Puerto Juarez, Km. 282, Int. B, Rancho Xcaret, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, Mexico Tel: 998-883-3143